1. Chuanjin Zhu, Nan Zhu*, Ali Emrouznejad, Tao Ye. (2023). A new Malmquist productivity index with an application to commercial banks. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, dpad015.(SSCI)
2. Chuanjin Zhu, Xia Wang*. (2023). A novel integrated approach based on best-worst and VIKOR methods for green supplier selection under multi-granularity extended probabilistic linguistic environment. Complex & Intelligent Systems. (SCI)
3. Rui Wang, Xiao Yan, Chuanjin Zhu*. (2023). Solving a Distribution-Free Multi-Period Newsvendor Problem With Advance Purchase Discount via an Online Ordering Solution. SAGE Open, 13(2): 1-12. (SSCI)
4. 朱传进, 朱南*. (2023). 基于复杂DN-SBM-DEA模型的中外资商业银行经营效率对比研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 32(07): 197-203.(国家自科基金委管理科学部A类重要期刊)
5. Zhu Chuanjin*, & Zhu Nan. (2023). Assessing the eco-efficiency of industrial investment in China: a DEA approach. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 34: 143-164.(SSCI)
6. Zhu Nan, Zhu Chuanjin*, & Emrouznejad, Ali. (2021). A combined machine learning algorithms and DEA method for measuring and predicting the efficiency of Chinese manufacturing listed companies. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 6(4): 435-448.(注:《管理科学学报(英文版)》,自科委管理科学部认定管理科学A类期刊)
7. 张赟, 朱传进*, 刘欣慧. 互联网银行品牌信任及客户使用意向影响因素研究[J]. 商业研究, 2019 (03): 1-10.(CSSCI收录期刊)
8. 朱传进*, 朱南. (2017). P2P网贷借款人信用风险模糊综合评价——基于模糊数学理论的视角[J]. 金融理论与实践.(中文核心期刊)
1. 主持项目:中央高校基本科研业务费“商业银行可持续盈利效率测度及计算优化——基于改进的复杂动态网络DEA模型及机器学习方法”(已结项)
2. 主研项目:中央高校基本科研业务费“具有脉冲影响的混沌供应链系统及其稳定策略研究” (已结项)
1. Zhu Nan, Zhu Chuanjin*, & Emrouznejad, Ali. A Combined DEA with Machine Learning Algorithms for Measuring the Efficiency of Decision Making Units. International Conference of DEA: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary, 2018, Aston Business School, UK, ISBN: 978 1 85449 438 2. (作分会场报告)
2. 目前担任英文期刊Energy Efficiency、International journal of information technology & decision making、International journal of intelligent computing and cybernetics等匿名审稿人。